Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today was the day!!!!


Okay, obviously I'm very excited about this. I'll just say this - there are 16 electrodes for sure. And they all work! Yippee!! But the audiologist turned off the 16th electrode because it's pretty common among patients that they don't need it. I'll explain in other terms: the 16th electrode is the highest pitch it could hit, ever.

For those who asked, how is it possible that I get this mapping done within two weeks? I asked my audiologist and the answer was simple: It's because I had a revision surgery, not my first surgery. If it was my first surgery, they would have given me 4 to 6 weeks before turning on the implant. So... It's pretty exciting because with my former implant, I didn't have a huge range of what I could hear. What I could hear were low sounds, but high-pitched sounds were not possible.

Since I've had this turned on, I've heard a variety of high-pitched sounds such as my music, for one. Seriously, I missed my music so much, but when I turned it on in my car, what the heck was I listening to?! I couldn't recognize most of it at first because it takes a while for my brain to process the stimulation from the music. I was listening to Glee, so of course, a lot of the music has a lot of high-pitched sounds. I'm discovering that some male singers I have on my iPod can hit high notes while singing. Adam Levine, Edwin McCain, Dirty Vegas, Justin Timberlake, even Michael Jackson.

(From People.com)

It's a whole new world for me right now with this music. I can hear freezers running, the fan is less annoying in my bathroom, and the girls that I've talked with so far sound completely different because there's finally that distinction of high sounds in their voices. I've always known that when I start up the car, it does a dinging noise, but I never realized exactly how it sounded till now. Same with when I lock my car with the electronic remote...thing... My keys jingling together sound different too!

I just have to say - I am stoked and excited to discover more as the weeks go by.

Oh and odd thing. Apparently my company has this water proof cochlear implant as well. I have three different processors (meaning the one behind my ear and two more) and the audiologist said I can replace one of the two that I have in exchange for the waterproof one. I can swim...underwater...with this thing. I can shower with this thing. I can walk in the rain with this thing. It's astounding and shocking and weird.... I'm not sure if I want to get it but I'm so curious about it. We'll see what happens because if I want it, I have to get it as soon as possible.

Throughout the day, I had to get adjusted to sounds, like I mentioned before. One thing that is annoying - Japanese. How am I hearing this? My boyfriend's roommate watches this anime show and they speak Japanese... extremely annoying haha. I tried talking to my mom on the phone. Not bad for first try after turning the implant on. I was pretty excited :-)